Hampers a relief for flood-hit families
Tuesday, 23 April 2024
Thousands of people left without homes after gale-force winds and heavy floods strikethe Western Cape once again
- Published in Emergency response
Flash floods in Rwanda leave many homeless
Thursday, 11 May 2023
Flash floods in Rwanda caused devastating landslides. Many have lost homes and livelihoods. ForAfrika was on the scene to distribute household essentials
- Published in Emergency response
ForAfrika and partners bring back smiles to flood-hit KwaZulu-Natal
Thursday, 27 October 2022
A box of necessities helps to relieve the suffering, but long-term, sustainable projects are needed in these areas A few months after catastrophic floods hit the coastal regions of the KwaZulu-Natal province, families are still struggling to piece their lives back together. ForAfrika and partners worked together to bring some relief to those worst affected
- Published in Emergency response
After floods, more than 30,000 no longer have a home
Tuesday, 20 September 2022
Although annual flooding happens each year in South Sudan, in the past few years it has become more severe and reaching places it did not before. Along the roads, outside the town of Aweil in South Sudan, families have erected makeshift homes using branches and plastic sheeting. They were forced to flee to higher ground
- Published in Emergency response
Emergency appeal as heavy flooding hits South Africa
Thursday, 21 April 2022
- Published in Emergency response