Empower 20 million Africans to sustainably provide for themselves by 2032.

Voices of Africa

Hear from those who are working together for Africa to thrive. Every one of them - a story worth sharing.

Our time in the field gives us a personal view on what it's like to get a meal at school each day. The mothers, children and communities that we’ve met inspire our ideas and, often times, solutions. Every one of them has a story worth sharing.

Passing on skills
Caregivers are given inspirational teacher training in Orange Farm
Doctor consults mother
Hospital in South Sudan celebrates zero maternal deaths thanks to dedicated ForAfrika staff
When Agele applied skills he had learnt in a farming group, his family's fortunes turned around
Sesame field
Simple solutions offer life-saving impact in CAR
School latrines
A borehole and new toilets in the heart of the community mean people feel much safer too
Bricklaying ceremony
In Rwanda’s Kamonyi district, the first few bricks have been laid for a new pre-school centre
Life-saving drink: Therapeutic milk and food saves lives Many children have been saved from death thanks to therapeutic supplements Kenia Diva Luciana Retrato, who has been a nursing technician for about 13 years, says that the nutritional supplements they receive from ForAfrika have ‘changed paradigms’ for children in Angola and given them a future. “Many
savings group
Upskilling: Starting a small business also helps others Lenatha was able to start her own tailoring business, thanks to communal action Alemshet Teshale Lenatha Mukagasigwa lost both parents when she was quite young. She didn’t know what to do and would wander from house to house in her village in Rwanda looking for small jobs.
school gardens
Harvest time: Children at Longamere Primary celebrate their bumper sorghum crop There are other benefits too, since agriculture is a compulsory subject in Ugandan schools Connie Akware Education is the ultimate tool of empowerment for refugees living in Uganda. A safe place to learn helps children envision a new future as well as recover from
food security
Top tomato: Community gardens are a source of good nutrition A community in Upington creates their first communal vegetable garden and is already envisaging the results Leizl Eykelhof A community in the Khoi-San Valley of Upington has established its own communal garden in the sweltering heat and has improved their chance at food security. They
Fishing in South Sudan
Time to fish: The people of Pibor have learnt better fishing skills When the greedy insects decimated crops, people were shown other ways to make a living Andrew Ewoku In 2020, South Sudan, and other countries in East Africa, witnessed the first locust invasion in over 70 years due to changes in weather that were
Village Savings and Loans Associations have given women like Uwimana economic freedom
An empowerment project has transformed the lives of the 20 young participants, who have already invested their savings in other small businesses

Paula grows up on school lunches

Paula, a young student, now in her final year of primary school, still enjoys her daily school lunch of fortified rice
Pario in his garden in Uganda
A young man’s life was turned around when he could envision a way out of his addiction to focus on his small business
Nutritious school meals
A rural Early Childhood Development centre in Thaba Nchu gets a nutritious boost with porridge and vegetable garden
Farm animals are valuable household assets for African families
Vulnerable: Farm animals are valuable assets for families in Africa In the Central African Republic, people depend on animals for food and income. But, caring for them is not always simple. In many rural African communities, people depend on their livestock for their livelihoods. In some African countries, cattle are revered and given the utmost
Women taught how to make concrete slabs
Learning new skills gives internally displaced people in Cabo Delgado a chance to rebuild their own lives and improve the lives of others
Refugees and the host community work side-by-side in Uganda on communal farms that are a boost to social cohesion and conservation
Before the well was installed, a community in South Sudan suffered disease and had to walk miles to find clean water
Growing smiles: Lubanzi Mpumela is excited to water his vegetables each day (Pic: Anna Lusty for Our Legacy, partner to ForAfrika in SA) Young children in a gang-infested area are being taught how to plant their own vegetable gardens and grow a different future Leizl Eykelhof Mfuleni, an informal settlement in Cape Town, has been

Adapting agriculture to climate change

Cost cutting: Bundles of cassava cuttings will assist families Anita’s, to start again after the cyclone A new variety of drought-resistant cassava is helping victims of Cyclone Freddy in Mozambique Nordino Vicente Over the years, ForAfrika has increasingly adapted its agriculture training to incorporate lessons about climate change. This is because the communities we work
Recovered: Verônica is back at home and looks so much better than when she was first admitted to the malnutrition clinic Severe acute malnutrition is treated at clinics and at home using specialised therapeutic milk and food Kenia Diva It is difficult to imagine that the healthy little girl in the photograph was close to
Empoering women: Sewing workshop empowers women in South Sudan
Empowering women in South Sudan through skills transfer
Rehabilitated borehole in Uganda
A simple borehole rehabilitation eases stress for a community and its neighbours
Makeover in South Africa
New building: Bohlale’s new classroom block has been cheerfully decorated The pre-school now boasts a new classroom block, toilets and a vegetable garden – and much more Victor Ligidima Never in her wildest dreams did Rebecca Tshehla imagine that Bohlale Day Care, the small pre-school she started in 2016, would receive a makeover and be
Tawanda Ndhlovu
Taking initiative: Tawanda Ndhlovu in front of the serving shelter and covered dining area, in the distance An innovative serving station will protect children from harsh weather conditions Andrew Ewoku The relentless sun beats down on the sandy yard at Amoth Primary School in South Sudan’s state of Gogrial West. At lunch time, queues of
Women farmers in Rwanda
Digging in: Hard work has paid off at the community garden in Rwanda Thanks to a simple childcare solution, these women farmers are now able to earn their own income Alemshet Teshale The 34 women farmers of the Agahozo Village Savings and Loan Association (VSLA) were overjoyed when they harvested a bumper crop of beans
Jerry cans are lined up near the borehole at the Chitemane group’s garden
The Chitemane gardening group’s vegetables are thriving - but keeping them watered is an arduous task
Antonio recovers from malnutrition
Antonio recovers from malnutrition
adam walked 8km in waist-high waters to deliver medicine

Adam always goes the extra mile

Adam walked 8km in waist-high waters to deliver medicine
Road safety: People can now move during floods thanks to the dyke road Flooding in South Sudan disrupts lives and livelihoods every year; the dyke road will ensure people can move around in the rainy season Andrew Ewoku Marialdit village is a swampy area located in the Alek South payam (district) of Gogrial County in
Happy place: Ramula Tiko and her friends in their new stalls Since their stalls at the market were renovated by ForAfrika, two women have increased their income Connie Akware Ramula Tiko and Chandiru Faima are friends who both work as vendors at Ndirindiri market in the Palorinya refugee settlement in Uganda. Rumala, 58, is a
Free: Fiona (in red) and her friends feel comfortable with their new ablution area Before ForAfrika’s intervention, toddlers were afraid to use the public toilet alone Tara Dixon Our programme team in Rwanda is dedicated to creating clean and child-friendly environments for education. For this reason, we recently completed the construction of new latrines for pupils
A school meal keeps children in class
Energy boost: A school meal allows children to concentrate and enjoy learning Before the school feeding programme, Manito had to spend his days fishing and foraging for food  Nordino Vicente Manito Joaquim is 15 years old, but is only in Grade 5 at Chigamane Primary School. His parents died when he was five and he
Green joy: Maria is thrilled by her harvest An emergency resilience programme has given people hope for the future  Kenia Diva The community of Endongo in Ganda municipality, Angola, was overjoyed when they were able to harvest vegetables from their garden, after suffering for months in the ongoing drought that has parts of the country
Children receive magic desks on Nelson Mandela Day
Farmer receive tools
Tools of the trade: Farmers received much-needed implements Subsistence farmers in Sibut also received training on pest control in order to preserve their precious sorghum crops Michael Gandombi The farmers of Sibut received a wonderful surprise recently when ForAfrika delivered essential tools for their farming activities. Our resident veterinary technician, Tatiana Bako, also received a
Women's savings group
It all adds up: Any extra money goes into the communal pot and is shared at the end of the year Village savings groups change the lives of small-scale farmers Leizl Eykelhof The Munavalate Saving Group in Pambarra is very proud of its progress. Last year, they managed to save almost $5,000 raised from their
Floods in Western Cape
Relief: Recipients are handed boxes that will last them two weeks Four cold fronts in a week led to heavy rainfall and floods with thousands having to flee their homes. ForAfrika was prepared. Leizl Eykelhof Early preparation was key to the swift action by ForAfrika and partners in the Western Cape who have come to
Neonatal unit
Good place to be born: The new neonatal unit has been refitted with essential equipment A collaboration of partners ensures newborn babies and their mothers receive the care they deserve Kenia Diva Thanks to a long-standing partnership with Saving Moses and ForAfrika – and a generous anonymous donor – the neonatal ward at the Lobito
South Sudan resilience project
Proof in the eating: Achan bakes long bread rolls in her new oven A participant of a resilience programme, she has learnt new skills and applied them Andrew Ewoku Achan Monica Deng is a 36-year-old mother of six who lives with her husband and four of her children in Titchok Boma, of Twic county, in
World Play Day in Khayalitsha
ForAfrika’s Western Cape team joined a fun-filled event celebrating a child’s right to fun on World Play Day
Godfather James assists refugees in Uganda
Helpful host: “Godfather James” has allowed refugee farmers to use his land to plant trees   ForAfrika believes in climate-smart agriculture; planting particular trees is part of the mix Connie Akware A tree-planting project launched with the host community in Imvepi refugee camp in Uganda will bear large benefits – and fruit – in a few
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Atian shows off her giant cassavas
The drought-resistant ‘miracle crop’ of cassava is versatile and can be grown throughout the year in South Sudan
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Lives transformed through agriculture in Rwanda
ForAfrika's agricultural project, teaching upcoming farmers new techniques, has had a huge impact in Rwanda
Before receiving ForAfrika’s agricultural training, Tomás Sitoe was struggling to make ends meet
Thriving: Tomás sifts through seeds in front of the new house he is building  Before receiving ForAfrika’s agricultural training, Tomás was struggling to make ends meet Nordino Vicente Tomás Sitoe has always been a farmer in Pambarra, a village in Mozambique. But, despite owning some land, he battled to grow enough food to feed his
Angelia serves the community in Angola
In the community of Issombo, a grandmother takes it upon herself to care for the children and communal assets
Rwanda floods
Flash floods in Rwanda caused devastating landslides. Many have lost homes and livelihoods. ForAfrika was on the scene to distribute household essentials
Harvest time: Growing vegetables is a source of food and income for refugees in Uganda Before he had to flee the war in South Sudan in 2017, John Taban was able to provide for his wife and their seven children. As refugees, they had to depend on food rations distributed once a month. “The food